When my girlfriend’s bathroom fan broke, she did the best thing ever

December 28, 2015
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We all know how amazing bathroom fans are, so when my girlfriend’s broke she did the best thing ever. She put a box of silverware on the floor. That way guests can kick it around to make noise while sitting on the toilet, masking their flatulence.

It can be so embarrassing to use a restroom without a fan. Sure you can set up candles and oils to hide a smell, but the real problem is sound. That’s why silent fans aren’t popular, and whenever you do turn on a fan it sounds like the landings at Iwo Jima. No one wants to hear what’s going on in there.

So far our friends love it and we’re constantly getting compliments on how trendy it is! We’re hoping to install some bongo drums next to the door soon so guests can experiment with all kinds of sounds that aren’t gas. What a fun activity arising from this terrible crisis!
