Uses for Googly Eyes
1) Put them on a rock. Now you have a friend who won’t run away, or decide to stop being your friend because you enjoy smelling peoples’
1) Put them on a rock. Now you have a friend who won’t run away, or decide to stop being your friend because you enjoy smelling peoples’
"I'm pretty open to any position as long as it doesn't suck, like Secretary of Housing and Urban Development."
It has been foretold for generations that he will drain the swamp of Washington's establishment Republicans and Democrats, then utterly level the city.
To turn our backs on the rangers is to forget their sacrifice and what made America great to begin with
Passive Aggressive: Be what you are every year!
Thinking about marrying off your son or daughter soon? Then the Orange Stripe Dowry-and-Bride-Price Calculator is for you!
There’s a bird called the bearded tit. Even more amazing, a group of them are known as bearded tits.
Transparency, integrity, free of bias – if none of these come to mind when looking at Donald Trump’s website then you’re not alone.
Lava Powerhouse/Magma Rift - We're looking at you Taco Bell.
The Guantanamo Bay detention center recently lost its fraternity charter after more than a decade of revelations that it has been abusing members during the pledge process.